OUR training courses are crafted to develop the critical skills necessary to thrive in today’s leadership environment, With a vision toward multigenerational workforce and the future of work.

EMERGING LEADERS: Making the Transition from Staff to Supervisor

This introductory course is for new or emerging supervisors, managers, and leaders. Statistically, most companies do not offer training or coaching for people rising in the leadership ranks. However, this is often where the breakdown occurs… the front-line of leadership. The problem organizations face is that most of the time individuals that get promoted into a management position do so because of their technical ability. The difficulty arises in the fact that leading people requires people skills not just technical ability. The lack of people skills often creates a stressful, and sometimes damaging, experience of both employee and supervisor. This course is intentionally designed to set emerging leaders on the right course for a successful career in leading people.

Course sessions:

  1. Transition to Leadership: From player to coach
  2. The Missional Leader
  3. Basic Leadership Skills: Delegation, decision-making, and time & priority management
  4. Intro to Effective Communication
  5. Intro to EQ
  6. Personal Development and Leadership
  7. Intro to Adaptive Leadership
  8. Intro to Assertive Communication
  9. Intro to Conflict Resolution Skills
  10. Stress Management
  11. Success as a Leader
  12. Leadership Action Plan

Leadership Foundations: Building Successful Leadership Skills

According to John Maxwell, “Leadership is influence.” The problem that exists in many companies is that their team leaders, supervisors, and managers have not developed the necessary skills to positively influence those that they lead. More times than not, a manager’s influence is negative. This is why everyone knows that people don’t leave jobs, they leave bosses. This course addresses the core competencies and leadership skills that are necessary for leaders to be successful. The topics are specifically designed to help unlock your team’s leadership potential through building the necessary skills.

Course sessions:

  1. Vision for Leadership
  2. Advanced Leadership Communication
  3. Building Organizational Trust
  4. Creating High-Performance Cultures
  5. Creating Positive Conflict
  6. Building Organizational Accountability
  7. Strengthening Organizational Teams
  8. Vision-Based Decision-Making
  9. Emotional Intelligence (with optional EQ assessment)
  10. Articulating Accountability Issues
  11. Strength-Based Leadership
  12. Courageous Leadership

Team Leadership: How to Develop your People and Inspire your Team

Engaging and developing a high-performing team is essential in today’s business environment. The organizations that succeed in the future will be team oriented, innovative, and highly collaborative. To get the desired team results, organizations will need to making developing team leaders a top priority.

Research has shown that a team approach produces better outcomes in each of the following areas:

  • Improves communication, creates positive work environment, and improves productivity.
  • Increases efficiency, motivates employees, and stimulates a sense of ownership.
  • Reduces mistakes and unhealthy conflict.
  • Creates team accountability while enhancing innovation, decision-making and problem-solving.
  • Encourages personal growth and utilizes everyone’s strengths.
  • Increases job satisfaction and reduces stress.

This course is designed specifically to build the skills necessary for leaders and team members alike to grow into a high-performing team.

Course sessions:

  1. The Power of Teaming and the Coaching Model
  2. Dysfunctions and Pitfalls of Teams
  3. Team Communication: Understanding Behavioral Preferences: DISC (assessment is optional)
  4. Successful Team Leadership: elements for success
  5. Successful Team Leadership: characteristics of success pt. 2
  6. Growing your Teams Emotional Intelligence
  7. Inspiring and Motivating Your Team to Success
  8. Innovative Problem-Solving
  9. Dealing with Difficult (behaviored) People
  10. Team Collaboration
  11. Stress Management
  12. Team Leadership Action Plan

Transformational Leadership

Leadership experts agree with John Maxwell when he says, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.”  This statement is certainly true and is the basis for this series of modules. Leadership is not just a strategy – it’s a mindset. Transformational leadership is the catalyst for organizational growth and innovation. In this leadership solution participants will become transformational leaders. They will move beyond skill development to transformational leadership. This course will give a heavy dose of deeper leadership topics as well as introduce vital personal development themes. This development track will change the lives of your leaders, teams, and organization.

Course sessions:

  1. Transformational Leadership
  2. Authentic Leadership
  3. Principle-centered Leadership
  4. Transformational Emotional Intelligence
  5. Conflict Intelligence
  6. Adaptive Leadership
  7. Crafting the Skill of Resilience
  8. Tending the Soul of a Leader: Dealing with Betrayal, Disappointment, and Disillusionment
  9. Developing Leadership Presence
  10. Enhancing Performance and Flow
  11. Whole-life Leadership: Cultivating Health and Wellness
  12. Individualized Leadership Development Action Plan

Adaptive Leadership: How to Adapt to Changing Culture, Differing Generations, and an Evolving World

“The world in front of us is radically different than the world behind us.”

As the world changes, generation gaps widen, and face of business evolves, the need for leaders to understand the times and know how to adapt becomes imperative. The fact is most of today’s leaders were “trained for a world that is disappearing.” Thus, the need for leaders and organizations to evolve and adapt to the changing business environment.

The statistics regarding the generational divide are shocking.

  • 60% of younger employees are currently looking for new employment opportunities.
  • 29% of Millennials consider themselves engaged at work.
  • 43% know what their coworkers are expected to do at work. Not knowing is viewed as negative.
  • 1 in 5 Gen Z adults bring a parent to a job interview.

The problem, however, is not that the world is changing, but what to do about it.

In this course participants will learn what leaders need to do to evolve with a changing culture to engage their employees and build a high-performing team.

This course is divided into 3 parts.

Part 1, The Adaptive Need.

This first section is the program foundation phase. The first four (4) course modules will examine the adaptive need and serve as a foundation for the course. In learning about the elements of uncertainty that exist in the world and business environment, course participants will awaken to the dire need to learn adaptive leadership. They will gain insight and understanding into the nature of adaptive leadership, how it develops, and why organizational integrity is critical.

  1. Leadership Future
  2. Adaptive Leadership
  3. Adaptive Development
  4. Organizational Integrity (organizational justice)

Part 2, Adaptive Skills

In Part Two, which is about learning core adaptive competencies, course participants will be challenged in each of the four (4) modules to learn various skills necessary to be successful adaptive leaders. The flow of these skills is vital, and, in many cases, students will need to unlearn and then relearn these critical skills.  This section will start with emotional intelligence, then move to communication, then to collaboration, and finally finish with the importance of character in leadership. Each of these modules will focus on skill development and include group work for practice and creating scripts that can help lead to mastery.

  1. Emotional Intelligence
  2. Communication Skills
  3. Collaboration
  4. Leadership Character

Part 3, Adaptive Shifts

In Part Three, Adaptive Shifts, is the implementation phase. In this section students will learn about four (4) of the main adaptive shifts necessary to adapt to younger generational cohorts. It is in this section that the previous eight (8) modules will begin to shine. As students learn about adaptive implementation procedures, and in turn begin to implement them in their sphere of influence, they will find their leadership capacity soaring to new heights.

  1. Identity-based Leadership
  2. Strength-based Leadership
  3. Purpose-based Leadership
  4. Coaching-based Leadership